Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Family IV

Same month as now, a year ago.

I first returned.
I returned without the knowledge that such a great change would happen to me.

That June, I finally belonged.
That June, I found a family.

Then I left.


I returned again.
Bonds strengthened, new memories formed.

I left.
I realized that longing for love is what makes living worthwhile.


Yet again, I returned.
That two months was perhaps the best two months that I could ever wish for.
The love was heavenly. The love of a family.
Nothing can be compared to such bliss.

When I left once again, I died.


I returned. I was reborn.
We cheered. We celebrated. We smiled. We laughed.
All I longed for, all realized.

Soon, I will arise and go.
I can already feel myself dying.
But I will persist.
I will continue to long. Continue to love.
Continue to seek bliss in the memories we share.

My heart and soul, I shall leave behind.

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